Featured image for “Hearing Aid Compatible Assistive Listening Devices”
September 22, 2021
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Hearing Aid Compatible Assistive Listening Devices

Hearing aid technology has advanced considerably in recent years, significantly improving the user experience. Hearing aids come with a wide range of features and options...
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Featured image for “Why You Should Treat Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing Aids”
September 21, 2021
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Why You Should Treat Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing Aids

Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions that people experience today. Characterized by a reduced capacity to perceive and process sound, hearing...
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Featured image for “A Possible Link Between Exercise & Reduced Risk for Hearing Loss”
August 27, 2021
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

A Possible Link Between Exercise & Reduced Risk for Hearing Loss

Is there no end to the wonders of exercise? It improves your mood, strengthens your body, and has a slew of other lifestyle advantages. Researchers...
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Featured image for “Monitoring Your Daily Exposure to Noise”
August 7, 2021
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Monitoring Your Daily Exposure to Noise

Some occupations pose a clear risk of damaging noise exposure. Those who work in these fields most likely have strict precautions in place to make...
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Featured image for “Everyday Noises that Could Cause Hearing Loss”
June 30, 2021
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Everyday Noises that Could Cause Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects one out of every ten people in the United States. A variety of conditions can cause hearing loss, and it affects 360...
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Featured image for “Protect Your Ears at Your Favorite Sporting Events”
February 29, 2020
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Protect Your Ears at Your Favorite Sporting Events

No matter what sport you love, be it football, basketball, or soccer, yelling and shouting for your favorite team is often one of the best...
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Featured image for “Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss”
February 20, 2020
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss

When you lose anything in life that you have come to rely on, it can be painful. Letting go isn’t easy and can lead to...
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Featured image for “How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships”
February 10, 2020
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Perhaps you are starting to notice the need to ask people to repeat themselves more than before. Perhaps you are finding your self-struggling more to...
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Featured image for “Hearing Loss and Dizziness”
December 31, 2019
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Hearing Loss and Dizziness

Dizziness and ringing in one ear accompanied by some degree of hearing loss could be symptoms of Meniere’s disease. A hearing health care professional can...
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Featured image for “Hypothyroidism & Hearing Loss”
December 31, 2019
Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.

Hypothyroidism & Hearing Loss

January is National Thyroid Awareness month and as we approach the new year, it is good to educate yourself about the connection between hypothyroidism and...
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