March 26, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Conductive Hearing Loss: Signs, Causes, and TreatmentsLosing the ability to hear can be frightening, especially when it comes on very quickly, seemingly out of nowhere. Maybe you had a perfectly normal...Read More
March 19, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Ear Infections & Hearing LossIn America, earaches are among the top reasons for a visit to the pediatrician’s office. The CDC lists that 5 out of 1,000 children age...Read More
March 12, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?Over the course of human history, a cure for hearing loss has not yet emerged. But if you are one of the millions of people...Read More
February 29, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Protect Your Ears at Your Favorite Sporting EventsNo matter what sport you love, be it football, basketball, or soccer, yelling and shouting for your favorite team is often one of the best...Read More
February 20, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Coming to Terms with Your Hearing LossWhen you lose anything in life that you have come to rely on, it can be painful. Letting go isn’t easy and can lead to...Read More
February 10, 2020Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your RelationshipsPerhaps you are starting to notice the need to ask people to repeat themselves more than before. Perhaps you are finding your self-struggling more to...Read More
December 31, 2019Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Hearing Loss and DizzinessDizziness and ringing in one ear accompanied by some degree of hearing loss could be symptoms of Meniere’s disease. A hearing health care professional can...Read More
December 31, 2019Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Hypothyroidism & Hearing LossJanuary is National Thyroid Awareness month and as we approach the new year, it is good to educate yourself about the connection between hypothyroidism and...Read More
December 2, 2019Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.Acupuncture for Hearing Loss & Tinnitus: Does it Really Work?Are you hearing strange sounds –like ringing in the ears, hearing others sounds like, zinging, clicking, roaring or humming? You may be experiencing hearing loss....Read More
October 5, 2019Bonnie L. Baehr, Au.D.How to Assist Students Who are Hard of HearingHave you ever wondered how you can contribute to students that are hard of hearing become more successful in their school lives and their academic...Read More